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  1. This turned out so nice! Thanks for sharing at Merry Mondays!

    1. Christene Holder says:

      Thanks Angela! We love having these in our kitchen – everything has it’s place now and stays organized 🙂

    1. Christene Holder says:

      Thanks so much – and thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂
      >> Christene

    1. Christene Holder says:

      Thanks for the share Celeste!

    2. Was about to say the same thing. Looks perfect. I need to organise my home. It’s so messy, I am overwhelmed all the time. I am happy I found you.????

  2. Such a great idea! Not only is it practical but it looks so much pretty afterwards! Thank you so much for linking up to our Pretty Project Party this month 🙂

    1. Christene Holder says:

      Thanks Sarah! Practical and Pretty is always the perfect combination 🙂
      >> Christene

  3. LISA BIGON says:

    Absolutely amazing! I just moved into a custom home and still had plastic organizers brcause I was not about to spend the extra bucks on custom orgainzers. This is perfect, inexpensive and do-able! I love your ideas and clear instructions! It’s hard for young parents to.understand that being organized saves money, time snd frustration…but you need tools to be organized!! Thanks and keep ’em coming!

    1. Christene Holder says:

      Lisa – I’m so glad you found this helpful! I know, those custom organizers can cost sooo much money. Staying organized definitely helps, especially after a move. Congrats on the new custom home!

      >> Christene

  4. Wow this looks awesome! we have a few drawers that is just one giant open space and this is perfect for me to try and organize my drawers!

  5. Hey Christene,

    I was impressed with yours blogs. Looks awesome! This is absolutely perfect for the kitchen drawers. Can’t wait to try something similar with this soon. Thanks for sharing! Such a great idea.


  6. Hi! Love this idea but planned out 7 drawers based on 1/8” thick boards per the materials list in your post. Just went to Lowe’s and they only carry 1/4” thick boards. Read down in the body of the post and it also says 1/4” thick boards were used. You may want to update your materials list so someone else doesn’t make the same mistake. 🙂 I’ll have to rework my measurements but looking forward to the end result! Thanks!

    1. Christene Holder says:

      Oh No! Thank you for pointing this out and so sorry that I made it confusing and messed up your measurements. I will fix that now. I appreciate you letting me know.

      >> Christene

  7. Can’t find 1/8 boards, only 1/4. Are you sure it is 1/8? On the pictures it looks more like 1/4.

    1. Christene Holder says:

      Hey! I am so sorry I had an error in my materials list. They are 1/4″ boards – one of my readers pointed out the error too.

      >> Christene

  8. Thanks for this excellent tutorial! I used this idea and the cracked silverware tray to transform my kitchen drawer. Looks so much better.

  9. This looks easy! Do you have to glue it to the drawer? I would like to be able to remove it for easy cleaning.

    1. We did glue ours into the drawer – so no we can’t remove it to clean. If there’s a lot of dust and other things, I used the handheld attachment and my vacuum to clean the drawers.

  10. So happy I found this post! Last week my dividers that I purchase on Amazon came in but didn’t work so gave them away.
    My “drawer” gives me an OCD moment everytime I open it. I’m going to the Depot tommorrow for supplies, already measured and have a layout. Can’t wait, thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Yay Sheri! I’m so glad it was helpful! Can’t wait for you to have super organized drawers.

      >> Christene

  11. My email address did not go in right

  12. Just like everyone else said, you are awesome and very talented.
    I am 65 years old and have had this kind of problem since I was 20. It’s really neat to finally find something that I can make to make it easier for me. Thank you so very much. You are my new go to person when I need to know how to do something in my house. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

    1. Hi – Thank you for the kind words! So glad that you found this helpful! Good luck with your project.

      >> Christene

  13. Hello,
    I was curious to how well these have held up.

    Thank you!

  14. With a little creativity and some careful measurement from this post, I created a one-of-a-kind unique wooden drawer organizer that fits my kitchen space perfectly.

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